Thursday, December 9, 2010

9 -Onion News Network -CNN

In the Onion News Network video discussing the Revolutionary Laptop With No Keyboard the representation of apple products are being made fun of through this parody. The video is alluding to America’s obsession with needed the newest technology and production of apple’s new products. Through gatekeeping the Onion News Network carefully filters what they want to talk about to get their message across. Through the agenda-setting functions, this video chooses incorporate clips of people using the product and having a representative speak about apple to help make the video relatable to similar more serious videos about apple’s new products. This video adds key components such as advertising the product in a serious manner (when really they are making fun of the new apple products) such as when talking about the man who got to experience the computer; the video suggests that “45 minutes to send an email to his friend” was impressive. The CNN video uses gatekeeping through the way they are showing apple and talking about it. For example, they talk about new products and how they will be beneficial to customers. Through agenda-setting functions, CNN decides to show certain aspects of the company through a crowded store, and multiple products to emphasize the greatness of apple. In terms of discourse, both videos use techniques to create a serious atmosphere regarding the product (although the Onion Network video is a parody). They use techniques from a consumers view (by having consumers test out the products). Baym’s article clearly relates to these videos through using the examples of The Daily Show. Although the video regarding the apple parody is making fun of the products, there is truth to the video which does educate audience about the product.

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